Great Video About Smoking Side Effects
Did you know that every cigarette is doing you damage?
Just watch this video.... and think about it.
It is a time to make a change!
Smoking Facts, Side Effects and Quit Smoking Methods Reviewed
Did you know that every cigarette is doing you damage?
Just watch this video.... and think about it.
It is a time to make a change!
0 коментара Етикети: Why stop smoking?
From the diagram bellow you can clearly see what awful effects the passive smoking can have on your heart.
For your information: Heart attacks have dropped by 17 percent since smoking in public was banned in Scotland in March 2006.
0 коментара Етикети: Side Effects
Here is a small collection of great quotes by famous authors who will inspire you to change your life and quit your bad habbits forever.
You can write them on a sticky note and put them near your workplace or on your mirror.
First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you.
Rob Gilbert
Don’t get discouraged, it is usually the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.
Jim Rohn
I love the next one:
The time is always right to do what is right.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Usually, the best place to make a new start is where you are right now
Don’t limit investing to the financial world. Invest something of yourself, and you will be richly rewarded
Charles Schwab
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort
Franklin Roosevelt
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0 коментара Етикети: Words of Wisdom
It would almost seem like a given in this day and age that people would know and understand that smoking greatly increases the risk of lung cancer. Secondhand smoke has even been linked with increased lung cancer risks. Even were a person to never smoke a cigarette or be subjected to secondhand smoke, the possibility of lung cancer remains very real. But smoking cigarettes is nothing short of adding more bullets to a gun being used to play Russian Roulette—eventually, the odds of getting lung cancer will become impossible to ignore.
In a normal body, cells grow and divide in an orderly manner. However, this order can break down. When this collapse in order occurs, cells begin dividing and growing at will and chaos results. This resulting chaos and breakdown of normal cell growth is called cancer.
Normally, cancer will appear as a tumor, or perhaps even the dreaded “growth”. In some cases, the cancer will remain isolated to a particular spot or organ. However, it is not entirely uncommon for cancer to spread beyond its initial area into other regions of the body or organs. Spreading cancer is also known as metastasis. Lung cancer has been known to spread into other organs of the body and speed the demise of the patient.
Tobacco is a known and proven carcinogen. A carcinogen is any cancer-causing agent. However, just because something is a carcinogen does not necessarily mean that coming into contact one like tobacco smoke will not guarantee lung cancer in your future. Scientists can, on the other hand, tell you how much more likely you are to get lung cancer if you continue to expose your body to tobacco smoke.
The risks of lung cancer due to tobacco smoke are too great to ignore. A person smoking one pack a day has increased their odds for getting lung cancer by 30 X’s or more when compared to a nonsmoker. And, the more cigarettes you smoke every day, the greater those odds become. Plus, the number of years a person smokes continually increases their chances of developing lung cancer or other smoking-related diseases such as emphysema.
So, if someone were to quit smoking today after having done so for 10 years, how long do you think it would take for their risks of getting lung cancer to return to normal? Believe it or not, it takes 15 years after a person quits smoking for their odds to equal those of a nonsmoker of the same age—15 years!!
Lung cancer is a merciless killer of thousands of Americans each and every year. It generally takes decades of smoking to lead to the condition but it has been found in people in their 20’s who smoked since they were teenagers. Worse still, lung cancer is a very painful condition that can truly make the last months of life a true burden to bear. While you can still develop lung cancer even if you never smoke, the odds for developing this painful disease increase dramatically when tobacco is part of your life. If you are a smoker, tomorrow may very well be too late to quit so make sure you kick the habit today or prepare to see lung cancer in your future tomorrow.
0 коментара Етикети: Why stop smoking?
Smoking is known to be a health risk factor by almost anybody, but it is still enjoyed among millions aroung the world. One very negative side effect of tobacco is the risk of lung cancer.
Despite all of the warnings coming from media, doctors and every angle, most of people continue to smoke. However, for the modern male that is obsessed with traditionally masculine aspects such as virility, one reason to give up the habit might be the risk of sexual impotence. That is, if the findings of a recently concluded study by the Tulane University School of Public Health is accurate in its analysis.
Dr. Jiang He, head of the research team, said that the “association between cigarette smoking and erectile dysfunction was found in earlier studies.” However, he pointed out that other potential causes of sexual impotence were found in the test subjects, such as hypertension, depression, diabetes, and a number of cardiovascular diseases. He stated that while his study dealt with the same problem, he believed that there was a key difference between his research and what has come before. Unlike previous studies, which did not exclude potential test subjects based on health grounds, Dr. Jiang He's research team specifically picked out men who were in good physical condition apart from their smoking. That, in theory, can go much further than previous studies in showing the link between impotence and smoking.
The research confirms that men who smoke are more likely to experience problems like erectile dysfunction than other men, though the 41% statistic is much higher than what the research team initially projected during preliminary tests. There is ample evidence to make the assumption that this is a standard “cause and effect” response, with the effects varying depending on the “dose” of nicotine introduced into the system over a given period. For example, a man who smoked 10 cigarettes a day came in with an increase of 27% risk of erectile dysfunction compared to normally healthy men. Men who had 11 to 20 exhibited an almost 40% increase in risk. The data was similar for men who smoked more than 20 in a day, with the percentage of risk going up with each stick added. This, combined with the cardiovascular and respiratory side effects of habitual smoking and factors such as psychology and emotional state, made for an incredible risk.
The study estimated that 22.7% of all cases of erectile dysfunction – roughly 11.8 million men – are caused by smoking. The study further discovered that quitting did not decrease the risks faced by long-time smokers, with the statistics showing that there was no difference if the subject was still a smoker or if they had already quit. Age did not appear to be a factor: young men are also very likely to develop erectile dysfunction due to smoking. This is among men who were otherwise in excellent health, with the researchers conceding that if the subjects had been in poorer health, the numbers would likely have been much higher.
0 коментара Етикети: Sex Drive, Side Effects
One morning you wake up and you don't want to smoke your first cigarette. Sounds impossible, isn't it? But just imagine that it happens.
Imagine that you go to a non-smoking restaurant with your friends and enjoy your meals. You stay calm and talk with everyone, not hurrying to go outside for a quick smoke.
Wouldn’t it feel good not having to pay the astronomical prices for one pack of “cancer sticks?”
You are not alone!
Everyone knows that smoking is bad habbit, but most of us still smoke - why? Because nicotine is powerful legal drug, that makes everyone additcted to it. It is realy hard to overcome it. You know that it is a big problem, but nothing helps even though you know some facts about smoking... nothing has influence on your dangerous habbit.
Did you know that if you smoke you will be:
Twelve times more likely to die from lung cancer.
Ten times more likely to die from some form of lung disease.
Ten times more likely to die from cancer of the larynx.
Six times more likely to die from heart disease.
Twice as likely to die from a stroke.
On the top of this your breath stinks badly and your teeth are yellow. All this facts are well known and may be once you tried to stop smoking because of them, but your final answer was NO. Am I right?
It is not easy to scary an old smoker, even though if you were to stop cigarettes today you could increase your chances of living longer and enjoying your children growth.
At the same time you could save thousands of dollars in medical expenses and the cost of cigarettes. These are only a few examples of why you should stop smoking and not only that. You owe it to the once you love to stop.
Easier said than done you would say. That's right. But nothing is impossible my dear. There is one thing you should DO first and this will clear your path to the success and to the new healthier life.
You have to WANT to stop, before anything else. This must be a deep desire inside yourself. If you are at this point then you have to act today. Find a way that works for you and go on, do not procrastinate - your health is important.
There are a lot of different methods out there, so you have to choose from:
Finally, one also important reason to stop smoking today. It is crisis out there, and cigarettes are more and more expnesive each day. Save your money for something more enjoyable: your family, tv, skiing, tourism and so on and so on the list is very long.
On the other hand The non smokers are making it impossible for us to enjoy it. It is becoming illegal to smoke everywhere.
0 коментара Етикети: Why stop smoking?
Do you have friends who smoke? Everyone has a family member, friend, or co-worker who smokes. This is the reality nowadays. They have chosen to smoke and it is their choice...but by just being around them, many people are also starting smoking. Before one choose to take this risk he should be aware of the damage he could do to his body. Here is a short list:
TV Commercials show that smoking is a way to relax and calm down in different situations, but they never show the negative side of it. Their goal is to make you buy and smoke more cigarettes, but our goal is to inform you so you take a clever decision.
0 коментара Етикети: Side Effects
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